Thursday, June 2, 2011


What would you do if someone told you that you had a monster growing inside of you? Something you knew little to nothing about...Something that seemed to be out of your control? 

My beautiful friend April has just been diagnosed with HER2 positive type cancer. They found it in her breast and lymph nods and after doing a scan of her body, they have found spots in her lungs. She is afraid right now and trying to learn as much as she can about this monster growing inside her body.  

It is hard news for me to hear especially when I am so far away from her. I want to be there to hug her and help her in any way possible.

The only thing I am able to do for myself right now is take a step back and stop panicking. Helping her to look at the positives to have enough strength to begin this fight.

The positives we do know: 

1. It is NOT in her bones, liver or brain and this type of cancer responds well to chemo!
2. She has an amazing new husband that is doing everything possible to ease the pain and worry that she is carrying around with her.
3. With a load that big and being far from Canada she has an amazing support system of friends in Dubai.
4. The power of a positive mind (mind over matter) staying strong mentally to keep herself strong physically.
5. Educate yourself... learn as much as you can to fight it and be a support
I have a long weekend coming up in two weeks and am trying to arrange a trip to Dubai. Of course my passport is expiring in less than 6 months and the UAE does not let you into their country if this happens.  At the moment I am crossing my fingers and hoping the new one I've ordered is expressed back to me by next week.

My amazing mother who is currently in her own battle with breast cancer just had her last radiation treatment yesterday. she is still receiving chemo every three weeks and will be until January 2012. She has been so strong through all of this.  I know she will have some wonderful advice for April.

April is 34 years old and a healthy/ fit young woman and this goes to show that cancer just chooses anyone.  We all have to live in the now and appreciate ever day we have our health.  It is definitely making me think about healthy choices, but more importantly everyone woman should find a good doctor and be getting yearly exams. I know that April is going to give this cancer one hell of a fight!!!